Antique Newspaper Etchings

Antique Newspaper Etchings


Explore history in detail with our collection of 19th and early 20th century newspaper etchings. From holidays to political satire, these timely and intricate designs make a unique addition to any collection.



Immerse yourself in the fascinating history of the 19th and early 20th centuries with our collection of newspaper etchings. These etchings are sourced from a variety of weeklies and newspapers, including Harpers Weekly, The Illustrated London News, and The Graphic, etc. Each etching features a timely and relevant portrayal of the times, including holidays, current events, and political satire. With their detailed and intricate designs, these etchings provide a unique window into the past and make a stunning addition to any collection.

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Weight 1.0 lbs

Dolly's Revenge, The Signing of San Stefano, Magpie Hawking 1856, Water-Hunting for Deer – A Night Scene on the River Susquehana, PA, Forts De La Halle, Paris, Dames De La Halle, The Centennial Fourth – Illumination of Madison Square, New York, Philadelphia Street Characters, The Life of a Spy – In Nine Tableaux, The Storming of Fort George, Harper's Weekly – 05/29/1858, The Battle of the Waxhaws, 05/29/1858 Harper's weekly, Two Etchings – Our Colored Troops 02/28/1863, A Visit to Chickering's Pianoforte Manufactory

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